These envelope-style leather covers wrap around your missal, holding it together in a stylish traditional manner.
The stylish covers come in two standard sizes. One for the Angelus Press and similar-sized hand missals, and another one to fit the size of the Baronius Press hand missal.
Leatherette (fake leather) style covers are a great alternative for children’s missals. They can keep the missal safe and can be wiped clean if needed. These covers retail at £15.00 and are available in black, brown and burgundy.
If you have a missal needing a different size cover, you can send the measurements, preferably in centimetres, to Carmel Books and the Catholic Leather Guild will supply a quote for it.
Coloured ribbon markers for use in missals or other liturgical books are also available at the price of £5.00 plus p&p. They contain five coloured ribbons attached to a leather backing that slips into the spine of the missal.
* Please order these items by email or phone as they are not listed on the website due to some sort of technical glitch. *
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